Limitations & Creativity

I’ve long been a believer that limitations spark creativity, rather than complete freedom. When there are limitations, you literally have to get creative to solve the problem or do whatever you’re trying to do.


If you do any kind of work on the web (or off the web) that requires high quality photography you probably know about If you don’t know, you’re welcome. Unsplash is one of the best, if not the best places to get high quality free photos that can be used however you want. This includes commercial work and non-commercial …

Never Thought I’d Do This

This whole second kid thing is just about killing me. Sleep deprivation is real, and I’m scrambling to fulfill my duties at home, get my actual job work done, and maintain some kind of fitness. My dad fitness is in full effect, and today was a prime example of that. It was a long day and my dad/husband duties trumped …

Bill Me

I woke up this morning (Sunday) to a text message from a friend that my house in TC had a minor flood happening in the basement. I was out of town, and she was looking over the place while I was gone, and noticed that there were several inches of water pooling around the low spot (and extending around to …

Snoo: part 2

About a week ago I wrote a quick post about the Snoo, and the high hopes I had for it. This is just a quick post to say that we’re glad we chose the rental option over purchasing. The quick version of the story is that our daughter never really warmed up to the Snoo that well, and there were …


When I’m feeling particularly stressed out or immersed in a stressful period (read: post child birth) there’s nothing better than binging on some Netflix for an hour or two, or watching a movie to disconnect from reality for a little bit. Truly forgetting about all that is stressful in life, albeit for just a handful of minutes, feels great and …

Negotiate: Hypothesis vs. Assumption

As Chris Voss describes in Never Split The Difference, when going into a negotiation, have a few hypotheses in your mind about what the person your negotiating is thinking/wants. Don’t assume you know what they want. I’ll spare you the old saying about assumptions. Armed with several hypotheses in mind, rather than assumptions, as you enter a negotiation, begin gathering …

The newborn

Fatigue. Cloudy. But I need to work Can’t concentrate. Can’t sleep. Nothing gets done. Anxiety. Must get work done. Late night snacks. What should I write today? Unproductive. Goodnight.

The Bridge

The bridge: a friend who introduces you to someone who eventually becomes your friend. Over this long Memorial Day weekend my wife and I spent some time with a few friends, all of whom we met through a mutual friend, our bridge, who has since moved away. I commented to my wife about how many friends we had because of …