Apple Airpods

One of the best technology/gadget purchases (OK, they were a gift) I’ve made in the last several years is easily my set of Apple AirPods. I did a quick review of them and you can see all the pros and cons in this short video here: Featured Photo by Barrett Ward on Unsplash

Microsoft Surface Go

A few months ago my 12.9″ iPad Pro Smart Keyboard stopped working. Yeah, the one that costs $169. It was a few years old, but I had taken very good care of it. I did a thorough online search to see what the problem might be, and how I could fix it, but unfortunately came up empty handed. I was …


At Endurance Evolution we’ve been using Basecamp for over six years, and I don’t know how we would operate today without it. If you’re not familiar, Basecamp is an online project management platform. All of our internal, and some of our external communication happens in Basecamp. From to-do lists, to private messages (pings), to group discussions, to file storage, Basecamp …

I Don’t Care Who Reads This*

As a writer it’s pretty much expected that someone will read what you’re writing. But when you write, how much does the reader affect what you write? Do you say certain things or not say others based on who you think (or know) will read your writing? Do you ask yourself , “what will so-and-so think about what I’m writing …

Real, Honest, Writing

If you scroll through any of the major online news sources these days you’ll see lots of click bait headlines and articles with catchy titles. Don’t get me wrong, a well written title is rad, but when the title is the only well crafted piece of writing, I’d rather pass. I really can’t stand those kinds of articles. I know …

Audiobooks vs. Real Books

A few months ago I started a trial subscription to and downloaded Atomic Habits by James Clear. I had started reading a hard copy of this book some months before, but never really made much progress on it, as was the case with many of the books I had picked up over the past few years. I would get …

The Ironman Operations Trifecta

As the race director for Ironman 70.3 Traverse City I’m fortunate to have a strong leadership team around me. I’m not the only one leading up the planning for the race. There are three of us: a regional director, an operations director, and me, the race director. The regional director, Frank, is in charge of about a dozen Ironman and …

NPR Optimism

If your an avid NPR listener like I am, you’re used to the pledge drives they have every so often throughout the year. For those who aren’t familiar, National Public Radio, better known as NPR, is funded largely by donations from the folks that listen to it. Several times a year each station holds a pledge drive, where they ask …

The Race Director Life

One one of my favorite things about being a race director is that no two days are ever the same. There are definitely tasks I do more often, such as writing manuals, but on a given day I may be writing, designing a venue layout in 3D modeling software, testing RFID timing hardware, visiting a race site, or managing social …

Hit Publish

Just a quick reminder that maintaining a regular writing habit doesn’t mean that you have to write a 500 word essay every day. If you’re just getting started as a writer and writing every day is your goal, build that habit first. Write a brief, short, even micro post, every day. Hit publish, and move on to the next day. …