Never Thought I’d Do This

This whole second kid thing is just about killing me. Sleep deprivation is real, and I’m scrambling to fulfill my duties at home, get my actual job work done, and maintain some kind of fitness. My dad fitness is in full effect, and today was a prime example of that. It was a long day and my dad/husband duties trumped …

Snoo: part 2

About a week ago I wrote a quick post about the Snoo, and the high hopes I had for it. This is just a quick post to say that we’re glad we chose the rental option over purchasing. The quick version of the story is that our daughter never really warmed up to the Snoo that well, and there were …

The newborn

Fatigue. Cloudy. But I need to work Can’t concentrate. Can’t sleep. Nothing gets done. Anxiety. Must get work done. Late night snacks. What should I write today? Unproductive. Goodnight.

Dad Fitness

Just before my wife and I welcomed our second child about six weeks ago, I was in a killer workout grove. I was getting up pre-dawn and getting a run or ride in every day. It seemed effortless. Caring for a newborn is no joke, and any free time you may have had pre-kid tends to disappear upon welcoming the …

Sleep like a baby?

Who came up with the saying “to sleep like a baby”? Because they sure never slept in the same room as a baby. Our newborn daughter sounds more like a pterodactyl than a baby when she sleeps. She spits out a constant sputtering of prehistoric sounds.


Have you ever heard of this thing? The Snoo is a rather expensive bassinet that rocks your baby and plays white noise when she starts to cry or get fussy. It seemed like a silly idea to me, until our second child came along, and decided that sleep was an activity she didn’t want to partake in. Our first child …

An early morning flight

My wife, Laura, made very accurate observation the other day. We’re in the throes of newborn-hood, and we’ve had lots of sleepless nights over the past month. Laura accurately described what it feels like having a newborn in the house: “It’s like getting up early for a flight, at like 4:00 am… every day.” The grogginess never quite leaves, and …

Save as Draft

Sometimes I have more ideas to write than I have available waking hours. This isn’t to say that I have lots of ideas, but rather that I’m short on the waking hours part. Today is the second day where my planned topic for the post ended up spiraling into an uber in depth article rather than a small thought. Because …

Just Get The Work Done

It was a beautiful day in Portland today, and I was hoping to get out for a nice long bike ride to celebrate.  Instead, I ended up having to look after our older daughter (18 months) for a bit, and wasn’t going to be able to get the ride in.  That is, until I remembered that I just picked up …


Such are the thoughts of a tired father.  As you may notice if you’re reading other posts on my website, live with a second little one around the house has caused a (hopefully temporary) lack of sleep and general life chaos. My brain fries more easily, my thoughts aren’t as sharp, and did I mention tiredness? Here’s a quick glimpse …