Not enough. Sleep.

Today’s post is brought to you by the effects of not getting enough sleep. I’m enjoying writing the occasional poem on the blog, but I also have to be honest and let you know that most of these poems are written late at night, typically with at least a little hint of sleep deprivation. Hence the recurring theme of, well, …

One Handed

Upon becoming a parent, there are lots of new skills you have to learn.  How to change a diaper, how to burp a baby, and how to warm up (and not overheat) a bottle of formula or breast milk are just a few. However, you still have to go about the rest of your day, doing all the other things …


Remember how a few days ago I was talking about how cool I felt, that I was keeping everything together after having our second child?  All the early morning runs, getting my pushups in, managing enough sleep. Remember that? Well, it’s still happening, for the most part. But all that thrown in with me trying to direct an ultra-distance trail …

Get back to normal

Just over a week after welcoming our second child, all I want to do is sleep whenever possible. Even though I’m pretty tired I’m the morning after a night of baby feeding and broken sleep, this morning I chose to go out for a run after my 6:00 am feeding duty was done, rather than curling back into bed for …